
For greater clarity and to avoid potential misunderstandings, please read this code of conduct to ensure an optimum experience for both escort and client.

A text message, phone call or email that is polite and straight forward is always appreciated.

When contacting Thomas to request an encounter, a good place to start is to introduce yourself along with your location as Thomas Travels nationally around Australia and sometimes internationally. Before requesting a date to see Thomas, it is a good idea to check his tour dates on the travel page. Special requests that will alter Thomas’s tour dates can always be discussed.

Also indicate the type of experience you wish to have with Thomas. This is where special requests should be mentioned along with your likes and dislikes.

Thomas is always respectful and courteous, please be the same in return. The use of vulgar or offensive language will not impress Thomas.

Speaking a certain way during a sexual act may be exciting and arousing, however while arranging an encounter, Thomas will not accept inappropriate language or descriptions of body parts which will most likely result in Thomas ignoring your requests.

Thomas does not appreciate negotiations of his rates. Please have Thomas’s fee upon arrival, it is common to have the correct amount handed over in an envelope.

Please read all information on Thomas’s website thoroughly. Thomas has taken his time to create this website so that questions to subjects that are not covered are kept to a minimum.

Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary to meet with Thomas. If Thomas does not feel comfortable, the meeting will end.

Thomas will make you feel secure and relaxed, it is your responsibility to make him feel the same.

When offering Thomas any kind of beverage, always present it in a sealed bottle and open it in front of him. Please be aware that while Thomas enjoys a drink from time to time, there will be moments
when he will politely decline.

Thomas will not be present in any situation that involves drugs and if he feels if someone is too intoxicated, he will remove himself. Sexual performance and pleasure is reduced while under the influence, please do not waste your experience with Thomas.

Thomas is known to extend his experiences at times. If you wish to do so, all you need to do is ask and if he has not made any other engagements, he could possibly stay. It is expected that payment is given for Thomas’s extra time.

If you have loved your time with Thomas, he will appreciate your feedback and spreading the word.


Thomas does not appreciate negotiations of his rates. Please have Thomas’s fee upon arrival, it is common to have the correct amount handed over in an envelope.

Please read all information on Thomas’s website thoroughly. Thomas has taken his time to create this website so that questions to subjects that are not covered are kept to a minimum.

Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary to meet with Thomas. If Thomas does not feel comfortable, the meeting will end.

Thomas will make you feel secure and relaxed, it is your responsibility to make him feel the same.

When offering Thomas any kind of beverage, always present it in a sealed bottle and open it in front of him. Please be aware that while Thomas enjoys a drink from time to time, there will be moments
when he will politely decline.

Thomas will not be present in any situation that involves drugs and if he feels if someone is too intoxicated, he will remove himself. Sexual performance and pleasure is reduced while under the influence, please do not waste your experience with Thomas.

Thomas is known to extend his experiences at times. If you wish to do so, all you need to do is ask and if he has not made any other engagements, he could possibly stay. It is expected that payment is given for Thomas’s extra time.

If you have loved your time with Thomas, he will appreciate your feedback and spreading the word.


Warning: Explicit Content

This website contains adult material that is not suitable for those under the age of 18 years.
This website is not suitable for those residing in states and countries where prostitution is illegal.
Reviews are not to be seen as a representation of services available but recollections of experiences between two consenting adults.